Many floorball players are excited about fast floorball development and waiting for new products from floorball brands. Salming - the biggest floorball brand in the worldwill bring a blade! If you thought that Salming could bring a new follower of Quest1 and Quest2 blades you would be wrong. Quest3 is a brand new blade which is the combination of the two blades. We can express this sentence in a math via the equation: Q1 + Q2 = Q3! The biggest advantage is its own Tapered Cavity (6,8 - 9,2 mm) - one single horizontal cavity along the entire blade area.
Characteristics of the Quest3 blade:
- Tapered Cavity - A cavity starts at the heel of the blade, where it is 9,2mm deep and it ends at the end of the blade, where it is 6,8mm deep.
- SweetSpot - a point where the ball touches the blade most of the time and where it keeps best
- Trident Technology - enables a perfect power transmission from shaft to blade
Comparation of the Q1, Q2 and Q3 blades: Blade - Weight - Playing Surface - Cavity
- Q1 - 72g - 181cm² - Flat; 6mm
- Q2 - 78g - 190cm² - Curved; 8,5mm
- Q3 - 78g - 183cm² - Tapered; 6,8-9,2mm
At the comparasion of the blades weight we can see that Q1 still remains the lightest blade of the Quest series, meanwhile a new Quest 3 blade weights 78g as well as Q2 blade. But the difference is on playing surface. Quest 3 is somewhere between the "old" Quest blades, it only confirms that the Q3 blade is a combination of Q1 and Q2.